Trade visitor definition for Anuga

For trade visitors only: Anuga is a trade fair. It is open to decision-makers (management, purchasing/procurement, store management, sales and marketing) from the following sectors of the food and drink industry: food retail and wholesale trade, drinks retail and wholesale trade, trade co-operatives, drugstores and health food stores, food and drink trade representatives, food and drink importing and exporting, food skilled trades, food and drink manufacturing industry and suppliers to the food and drink industry.
Responsible employees from companies engaged in the food service and catering market such as the hotel and catering trade, system/brand-name catering, industrial, communal and institutional catering including contract catering are also eligible to attend. Staff of nutrition institutes, nutritionists, ecotrophologists and food technologists are also admitted.
The show is also open to those involved in the procurement and installation of technical facilities and equipment, the planning of large-scale catering establishments as well as the specialist trade for technology for large scale catering establishments.
Technical school classes of certain training courses are permitted. The specialist school cards can only be purchased at the Federation of German Food Trade (BVLH) - after explicit permission. Please note that there is no sale of specialist school cards at the trade fair box office.
Students of industry-relevant courses can purchase the regular ticket in advance with the appropriate proof after the industry relevance of the enrolment has been checked.
Please contact:
Bundesverband des Deutschen Lebensmittelhandels e.V. (BVLH)
Am Weidendamm 1A
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 30 726250-80
Fax +49 30 726250-85
Visitors must be able to provide proof of their trade visitor status when acquiring their entrance tickets.