Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Facts and figures Anuga

We have prepared all of the important information for you in compact form. You will find everything you need to know about Anuga at a glance in our Facts and figures.

Don't forget!

Anuga 2025 takes place from Saturday, 04.10. to Wednesday, 08.10.2025 in Cologne.

Note the date (.ics)
Anuga 2025
Date of the event
4-8 October 2025
Organizer of the fair
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln

Bundesverband des Deutschen
Lebensmittelhandels e.V. (BVLH)
Am Weidendamm 1A
10117 Berlin
Event frequency
every 2 years
Koelnmesse, Fair Grounds, Cologne
Conceptual sponsors
Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie e.V. (BVE)
Haus der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft
Claire-Waldoff-Straße 7, 10117 Berlin

Deutscher Hotel- und Gaststättenverband
Am Weidendamm 1A, 10117 Berlin
Opening times

For exhibitors:
Sat. to Wed. 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

For visitors:
Sat. to Wed. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Stand rental prices / qm

Price Early-Bird Sale (from 30.9.2024): 337,00 €
Price Regular Sale (from 1.10.24): 347,00 €
Price Late Call (8 weeks before the event): 399,00 €
Flat rate energy costs / qm
19,50 EUR/m²
AUMA / qm
0,60 EUR/m²
Marketing package

Marketing package (HA): 1,235.00 EUR
Marketing package (MA): 350,00 EUR
Product segments

Anuga Fine Food
Anuga Drinks
Anuga Chilled & Fresh Food
Anuga Meat
Anuga Frozen Food
Anuga Dairy
Anuga Bread & Bakery
Anuga Hot Beverages
Anuga Organic
Anuga Alternatives
Fair profile
Trade fair for the international food industry
Start of exhibitor application
May 2024
Hall occupancy
Halls 1-11, Confex
Target groups
Manufacturers, importers and wholesalers
  • of food and beverages
  • of technology for the catering trade
  • Providers of services for food retailing and gastronomy
  • Trade agencies

Admitted to the visit are decision-makers (management, purchasing/procurement, market management, sales, marketing) from the food wholesale and retail trade, beverage wholesale and retail trade, trade cooperations, drugstores and health food stores, trade representations, food import and export, food trade, food industry and suppliers to the food industry.
The same applies to the responsible employees of companies in the out-of-home market for food and beverages, such as the hotel industry, classic gastronomy, system/brand gastronomy, catering, company, communal and social catering.
Also admitted are the responsible employees from the areas of procurement and use of technical facilities and equipment as well as the area of canteen kitchen planning and the specialised trade for canteen kitchen technology.
Proof of industry affiliation must be provided when purchasing tickets for Anuga (extract from the commercial register, trade licence or similar). Employees of nutrition institutes, nutritionists.
Access authorisation
Open to trade visitors only
Set-up and dismantling times

Set-up times:

24.09. - 29.09.2025, 06:00 to 24:00 h
30.09. - 02.10.2025, 00:00 to 24:00 h
03.10.2025, 00:00 to 20:00 (20:00, end of set-up)

Dismantling times:

08.10.2025, 18:00 to 24:00
09.10. - 12.10.2025, 00:00 to 24:00 h
Figures of Anuga 2023
Exhibitors 2019
Gross exhibition space

300,000 m²
140,000 visitors from 200 countries
Mr. Jan Philipp Hartmann

Do you have any special questions?

  • Visitor hotline

    Tel. +49 221 821-1919
    Fax +49 221 821-991010

    Write an e-mail

  • Exhibitor hotline

    Tel. +49 221 821-2240
    Fax +49 221 821-993410

    Write an e-mail

Anuga - the factsheet

All figures, data and facts at a glance.

View all facts (.pdf)