1400 Wien
The event
There are 8 billion people on the planet and 800 million of them are still affected by a shortage of food. This problem particularly applies to South and South East Asia, India and Africa, where almost every fourth person south of the Sahara suffers from hunger. Malnutrition is identified as being the biggest global health risk. It is a bigger risk than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis put together.
What options has the food industry at its disposal to address this challenge? What expectations do companies have towards politics and science, and what role can development organizations such as UNIDO play when it comes to raw material procurement or questions of on-site investment?
As part of a side event at Anuga, this special event organised by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) will highlight the challenges facing hungry people, particularly in rural areas, and present possible solutions based on multilateral cooperation, policy coherence and functioning agricultural markets. Since the future will bring additional challenges with it - among other things due to the climate change - and double the amount of people than 50 years ago will have to be fed, a 60 percent increase in the production of food is necessary by 2050. A comprehensive and sustainable approach by the agricultural industry is thus indispensable to reach these goals.
Under Anuga's key topic "Sustainable Growth" the side event 1 "A world without hunger is possible" aims to stimulate discussion and encourage people to strive for sufficient global food security using innovative strategies.
The purpose of this side-event is to present analytical studies, showcase innovations, and policy options to address this global challenge of transforming towards a healthy, inclusive food system. Particular attention will be given to the role of private sector actors, and partnerships, as well as technology as enabler to end hunger globally.
Mr. Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer Kölnmesse
KEYNOTE SPEECH‘’A world without hunger is possible’’
Mr. Gerd Müller, Director General, UNIDO
Ms. Silvia Bender, State Secretary, Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany
Mr. Mathias Mogge, Secretary General / CEO, Welthungerhilfe
Mr. Jan Kleibrink, Managing Director, Handelsblatt Research Institute
Mr. Martin Frick, Director, World Food Programme (WFP) Global Office Berlin
Ms. Agnes Kalibata, President, AGRA Sustainable Growing Africa's Food System
Ms. Saskia Nuijten, Chief Brand and Communications Officer at EIT Food
Digital Marketplace Yoma – Experience from the Field: Mr. Johannes Wedenig, Senior Programming Manager, UNICEF
moderated by Ms. Christiane Stein