50679 Köln
The event
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Program 09.10.2023
10:30 am Opening Ceremony
Oliver Frese, Koelnmesse
Sharon Cittone, Edible Planet Ventures
Fabio Ziemßen, ZINTINUS
10:40 am Ancient Future Foodscapes
Nat Kelley, Actress & Activist
11:10 am Cultivating Change: A Chat with Marc Oshima
Marc Oshima, Oshima Good Food
Fabio Ziemßen, ZINTINUS
11:30 am Feeding the Future: The Role of Technology in Creating a More Sustainable and
Efficient Food System
Moderation: Sharon Cittone, Edible Planet Ventures
Marie Asano, ECBF
Miriam Ueberall, Scientific Advisory Board Member Peakbridge
Richard Gray, Mondelēz International's SnackFutures
Prof. Dr. Ivan Stefanic, EISMA
In a world that's rapidly interconnecting, food trends are evolving at an unprecedented pace.
The food sector grapples with ensuring quality, safety, and transparency for an ever-expanding
global populace.Yet, the confluence of tech has blurred the lines between the culinary and
pharmaceutical domains. Join us as we explore:
● Predicted food trends leading up to 2050.
● Tackling malnutrition with innovative nutrition concepts.
● The synergy between wearables, AI-driven nutrition assistants, and our diets.
● The triad driving the future of nutrition: health-focused, tailored, and sustainable nourishment.
Dive into these pivotal discussions and envision the tech-infused future of food!
12:30 pm State of the Industry: How Global Players in the Food Industry Take the Lead in the
Transition to a New-Food Economy
Moderation: Marina Schmidt, Red to Green Solutions
Dr. Tunyawat Kasemsuwan, Thai Union
Dr. Wolfgang Kühnl, InFamily Foods
Helge Weitz, Oatly DACH & Poland
Julia Sotera, Tetra Pak
In light of prevailing megatrends and pressing imperatives for change, businesses face the
formidable task of continuous evolution, setting fresh market benchmarks in the process. It's
vital not only to foster internal cultural shifts but also to transparently navigate the external
transformation, priming both suppliers and consumers for this new direction. This panel will delve
● The inherent risks of this transition and strategies to maintain momentum.
● The distinguishing factors between the emerging generation of suppliers and their
● The pivotal role of technology in reshaping the food industry.
● Identifying the trailblazers in technological advancements.
● The ramifications of these novel developments on the established market landscape.
Join us as we explore the proactive steps global players in the food industry are taking to
spearhead the transition to a forward-thinking food economy.
1:30 pm Going Beyond: What's Next for the Plant-Based Industry
The Integrated Protein Strategy
Wolfgang Kühnl, Infalmily Foods
The Future of Plant-Based Meat
Ethan Brown, Beyond Meat
2:00 pm Coffee Break
2:30 pm From Lab to Plate: Exploring the Future of Alternative Proteins and Ingredients
Moderation: Sharon Cittone, Edible Planet Ventures
Sebastian Rakers, Bluu Seafood
Ahrum Pak, WNWN
Charlotte Lucas, Good Food Institute Europe
Dr. Hannah Lester, Atova Regulatory Consulting
Projected UN statistics suggest a surge in the global population from 7.6 billion in 2019 to an
estimated 9.8 billion by 2050. This growth, paired with evolving dietary habits due to increased
prosperity and a forecasted rise in meat consumption from 39.5kg per capita in 2010 to 49.5kg in
2050, necessitates not only a paradigm shift but also innovative strategies for protein supply.
This calls for diversified protein solutions and novel approaches, spanning from cutting-edge
technology to the introduction of unconventional protein sources.
A plethora of suppliers are poised to launch, crafting global solutions to curb meat reliance
without compromising protein accessibility. The market is witnessing an influx of alternatives to
meat, milk, eggs, and fish derived from plants or cellular cultures, challenging traditional
product categorizations. This panel aims to address:
● The current status of cell-based meat and fish culture development.
● The most pressing challenges facing this emergent sector.
Join us as we dissect the transformative landscape of alternative proteins and ingredients,
delving deep into the questions shaping tomorrow's food industry.
3:30 pm The Future of Food is Here with Alt Protein – Steps Towards a Greener World
Moderation: Fabio Ziemßen, ZINTINUS
Deniz Ficicioglu, BettaFish
Brad Vanstone, Willicroft
Judith Wemmer, Planted Foods
Tanja Bogumil, Lovely Day Foods
The FAO's alarming forecast posits that by 2050, we'd require the resources of three Earths to
sustain the global populace at current meat consumption rates. This underscores the paramount
importance of extensively researching, developing, and mainstreaming alternative protein
sources for our impending future. In this panel, we seek to unravel:
● The potential plant-based solutions on the horizon.
● The challenges encountered in introducing these innovations to the market.
● Notable shifts in consumer demand over the past two years.
● Our progress towards hitting the critical mass-market adoption tipping point.
Join our thought leaders as we delve into the transformative role of alternative proteins
incrafting a more sustainable global food landscape.
Programme, 10.10.23
2:00 pm Can you Change the Future?
Douglas Gayeton, THE LEXICON
2:30 pm Feeding the Future: Why Data and AI is Critical to the Sustainability of Our Food
Moderation: Sharon Cittone, Edible Planet Ventures
Johan Langenbick, Foodpairing
Ori Lavie, TasteWise
Maxine Roper, Connection Food
3:30 pm Coffee Break
4:00 pm Breaking the Mold: How Impact-Driven Start-Ups are Paving the Way for a Sustainable
moderation: Fabio Ziemßen, ZINTINUS
Nick Wakins, Mighty
Tilen Travnik, Juicy Marbles
Anton Pluschke, Ordinary Seafood
Júlia Dalmadi, TransFOODMission Ltd.
Brigette Wolf, MyMochi
5:00 pm Closing & Outlook
Fabio Ziemßen & Sharon Cittone
Program subject to change