Boulevard of Inspiration
4 Oct 2019
Innovations and visions for tomorrow
What will we eat tomorrow? How will we nourish ourselves the day after tomorrow? And which food and beverages will feed the next generation? Predictions and outlooks were always fascinating. Not only driven by human curiosity and accompanied by justified scientific interests, but also induced by a sense of responsibility. In this day and age more than ever. When it comes down to food, the pace of change is fast. Thousands of new products push their way onto the shelves - and often disappear as fast as they appeared. Start-ups are challenging the food giants and aren't purely concentrating on innovations. Modern technologies and social media concepts are opening up new distribution channels and also enabling small suppliers to reach consumers directly and individually. But above all: How are we going to secure good food for everyone on a planet on which according to the forecasts 10 billion people are soon going to be living?
Boulevard of Inspiration
Concentrated inspirational and innovative power
The world of food is subject to continuous changes and is faced with huge challenges and paradigm shifts. Anuga has not only stood for both the current global offer of food and beverages for 100 years, but also for the focused, informative and inspired look ahead to the future. Hence, in 2019 there is going to be a very special premiere: the Boulevard of Inspiration. With its central location in the North Boulevard in front of Hall 8, it unites three first-class special events for the small, large and visionary perspectives of the international food industry. In addition to the Anuga taste Innovation Show and the Anuga Trend Zone - attractive and popular formats which are a fixed port of calls for many trade visitors - Anuga is staging Anuga Horizon 2050 for the first time - the knowledge and networking platform for the food of the future.
Anuga taste Innovation Show
The top innovations of Anuga
The best new products from among the offer of all Anuga exhibitors, selected by an expert jury of journalists: The top innovations of the industry reflect the inventive spirit of the food industry. The Best of Show conveys a fast overview of new products that have the potential to become bestsellers.
Anuga Trend Zone
Relevant market and consumer trends
Whether the top trends of 2019 like "Green Appeal" or "Snacking: The Definitive Occasion", whether global food mega trends or disruptive business models, whether vegetable-based food or health aspects for all age groups: With their well-founded analyses, the expert teams from Innova Market Insights and Euromonitor provide the professional world with valuable knowledge about all relevant developments to do with food and beverages. More information is available here .
Anuga Horizon 2050
The future of food
A new way of thinking, new solutions: At Anuga Horizon 2050, pioneers, innovators and start-ups present their visions, trends and best practise examples, which demonstrate alternative scenarios for the food of tomorrow. Five thematic blocks, comprising of panel discussions, fireside chats, start-up pitches and keynotes, promote the exchange and dialogue between the experts and trade visitors.
Sustainable Environment – Better Food for a Better World
Acting in a responsible and sustainable way is increasingly becoming the top priority of the food industry. Climate change, land change and the scarcity of resources demand new ideas and concepts. What does a sustainable food system look like? How can the greatest possible supply reliability be guaranteed while observing high ethical, social and environmentally-friendly standards?
Start-up-Day – New Solutions, New Products
Foodies, food lovers, food hunters: New forms of food require innovative products. Start-ups have recognised this and have long since become an established element in the trade as well as in the food service/out-of-home markets. How is the German and international start-up scene presenting itself? What are the accelerators, incubators and company builders? Which channels, events and communities are relevant?
Alternative Proteins – New Sources to Feed 10 Billion
If the meat consumption remains at its present level, according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) three earths would be necessary by the year 2050. The research, development and establishment of new sources of protein is an absolute must. Which plant-based solutions exist already or can we expect in the future? What is the status quo for cell-based meat and fish cultures? Where do the biggest challenges lie?
New Nutrition – The Evolution of Food
The global population grows continually. This places high demands in safety, quality and transparency in terms of food provision. On the other hand, the borders between the food and pharmaceutical industries are noticeably becoming blurred. What are the big food trends going to be up until 2050? Can a personalised diet counteract food deficiencies? How do devices, wearables and food assistants interact that are based on artificial intelligence?
Internet of Food
The digitalisation and development of new technologies are changing the way how and where we eat. More and more data is recorded and collected, artificial intelligence is taking the production and trade by storm, the supply chain has to be designed more and more to suit people individually. How can big data be used meaningfully? How can a logistics structure be oriented on the customer? Which role will smart kitchen devices play?
Five days full of valuable insights, inspiring know-how and promising products: The Boulevard of Inspiration at Anuga will make the future of food vivid and tangible.