Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Billie Green Vegan Diced Bacon | Exhibitor on the Anuga 2023

Billie Green Vegan Diced Bacon

Your secret ingredient for practically any classic dish: Our Billie Green Vegan Diced Bacon brown slightly when fried and are second to none in taste with their meaty, spicy, smoky flavor with subtle hints of garlic. Like all Billie Green products, they are made with wheat protein, plant-based, and free of additives*. Our Billie Green Vegane Schinkenwürfel contain 36 g of protein per 100 g.


* “Free of additives” means our products don’t contain any E number additives, such as preservatives, artificial colors, or thickeners.
Lise-Meitner-Str. 3
49076 Osnabrück
Hall 5.2 | C055