Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Sidr Honey Spoon | Exhibitor on the Anuga 2023

Sidr Honey Spoon

Sidr Honey Spoon: Nature's Sweetness in a Spoonful

Indulge in the pure goodness of Sidr Honey Spoon, a natural delight handcrafted by our experts at Al Malaky Royal. We assure you that this product is free from preservatives and additives, offering you the essence of nature in every spoonful.

What Sets Our Sidr Honey Spoon Apart:

A Natural Sweetener: Replace sugar with a spoonful of pure Sidr Honey in both your cold and hot beverages. It's a healthier and more wholesome alternative, adding a touch of natural sweetness to your drinks.
Nutrient-Rich: Sidr Honey is renowned for its richness in essential minerals and vitamins. By choosing this honey spoon, you're not just sweetening your beverage; you're nourishing your body with nature's goodness.
Convenient and Easy: Incorporating Sidr Honey into your daily routine is a breeze. Simply stir a spoonful into your hot drink, and within a minute, you can savor the delightful sweetness of pure honey.
Support for a Healthy Lifestyle: Physical exercise alone isn't enough to achieve an ideal body. A healthy diet is equally important. That's where the perfectly healthy spoonful of Sidr Honey comes in, helping you maintain an active and alert body.
Shed 8&7 Safetex Building New Industrial Area Ajman
009716 Sharjah
United Arab Emirates
Hall 2.1 | E061
Grab and Go-Ginseng SHOT ,Ginger SHOT, Propolis -MANUKA SPOON-GINGER BREW & CANDY -Honey COMB, snack